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Laura Vitoria Jager

Laura Vitoria Jager

Hi! I'm Laura! And I'm here to tell you a little bit about my work and about me. Let's go? I was born in a small town called Uberlândia in the interior of Minas Gerais, Brazil. And I went to art college there. With my 25 years old here in this crazy world my motivation is to create and illustrate stories. When I was little I always read children's books and the illustrations distracted me for hours and hours. Children with their amazing power of imagination, can just look at things and make everything seems magical, right? So I decided to not let go of this magic. When people ask me about my career I forget to answer formal things like jobs or technical things but I am always very happy saying things like "I drew an amazing unicorn yesterday, and he was friends with a little girl" (I usually get "she is weird" looks but it's worth it查看完整简介